Sunday, April 27, 2014

Totally Trendy Tribal

One of the best parts about the spring and summer months is the tribal everything ; tribal clothing, tribal jewelry, and definitely tribal nails. Sometimes I feel that the whole tribal trend can be a bit overbearing when not executed properly... there is such a thing as too much tribal print guys! So if you're on the hunt for some tribal nails, without over-doing it, then this post is most definitely for you! There's a hint of tribal, but not too much. So enjoy!

You Will Need:

Step 1: 
Using your colored polish, paint all of your nails except for you ring fingers with two coats. Paint your ring fingers with the gold polish. Let them dry completely.

Step 2:
Using the dotting tool and black nail polish paint 2 "V"s onto your middle nails. 

Step 3:
Using your dotting tool and your black polish, paint small lines extending out from the top "V". Connect the lines to the "V" going downward. 

Step 4:
Carefully fill in the small triangles. This is the hardest step because it is easy to go outside of the lines if you don't work slowly... so Be Careful!

Step 5:
Once your nails have dried completely, top them off with a thick layer of your favorite top coat. This will seal in the design for longer and make the nails look shinier.

*Top off the look with a super cute Midi-Ring like the one Ellee is wearing. I promise it totally completes the look! 

There you go! A 5-step-totally-trendy-spring-ready manicure. The great thing about this mani is that it looks a lot more difficult than it actually is, so people will be impressed when you tell them you actually did it yourself. 
Don't be afraid to add your own twist to this manicure! It's so simple, there is definitely room to spice it up with some of your own flare!


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